Keira Knightley is an English actress who initially rose to public recognition when she appeared in the feature film Bend It Like Beckham.
Birth Name Keira Christina Knightley
Date of Birth 26 March 1985
Birth Place Teddington Middlesex England U K
Height 5.7
The daughter of actor Will Knightley and playwrite Shrman Macdonald . After she requested an agent at the age of three her parents allowed her to work on productions in her summer holidays. Her first role at was at the age of 9 in Moira Armstrongs , A Village affair 1995 T V .
However Knightley's first high profile role came in 1999, as Sabe , Decoy Queen to Natalie Portman's Queen Amidala in Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1999 . Since then she has completed an Impressive arry of films including The Hole 2001 but is probably best known for her role of tomboy footballer Jules Paxton in Gurinder Chandha's Bend It Like Beckham 2002.
As a boost to her profile Knightley was then cast in the U S blockbuster movie Parates of the Caribbean the course of the Black Pearl . Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom also appeared in the film. Her next major role was in the British film Love Actually which was a sucess but her follow up venture King Arthur received very negative reviews. In 2005 Knightley was hevily criticized for her American accent in The Jacket starring Adrien Brody . Released later that same year her next film Domino was her biggest commericial and critical failure to date.
F H M magazine voted Keira the 79th sexiest women in the world in 2004. In 2005 she had raisen to number 18 and by 2006 had reached the top of their list.
In April 2006 chanel chose her as the new face of their coco Mademoiselle perfume
Keira has frequently denied rumours that she is aneroxic though her family has a history of anorexia. She later sued the Daily Mail newspaper which has accused her of lying about having anorexia and attributing the blame of a young girls death to Knightley 's image.