I am sure there are a lot of people who think Iam a bitch
Birth Name Demetria Gene Guynes
Birth Place Roswell New Maxico U S A
Date of Birth 11 november 1962
Height 5.5
Demi Moore was born 1962 in Roswell New Maxico . Her father left her mother Victoria, before Demi was born . Her stepfather Danny Guynes did not stability to her life, either. He frequently changed jobs and made the family movie a total of 40 times. The parents kept on drinking , arguing and beating until Guynes finally commited suicide. Demi quite school at the age of 16 to work as a pin up girl . At 18 she married rock musician Freddie Moore the marriage lasted four years. At 19 she became a regular on TV show General Hospital 1963 . From the first salaries she started partying and sniffing cocaine.
The lasted more than 3 years until director Joel Schumacher fired her from the set of St Elmos Fire 1985 when she turned up high. She got a withdrawal treatment and returned clean after a week and stayed clean . With detrermination and a skill for publicity stunts like the nude appaearance on the cover of Vanity Fair while pragnant , she made her way to fame. Since the huge commericial sucess of Ghost 1990 and the controversial picturels Indecent Proposal 1993 and D iscolure 1994 she one of hollywood's most sought after and most expensive actress.
In April 2011 Demi Moore and spouse A shoton Kutcher lanuched their ' Demi and Ashoton Foundation ' a non profit, non governmental organization directed towards fighiting child sexual slavery. Its first campaign is ' Real Men Don't Buy Girls' . On A pril 23rd 2011 Demi and Asoton appeared together for their first on C N N 's Piers Morgan Tonight to promote their foundation and start the work towards ending child sexual slavery . The foundation website enabels people to educate themselves , show support and take action or make a donation. They first got involed in the issue almost three years ago and that a great deal of the early work just nveold starting discussions , raising awereness and creating urgency.
Hired 3 cameramen to videotape the birth of her first child.
Bruce and Demi annoiunced they are ending their ,marriage of eleven years . No reasons given.
Chosen by people U S A magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.
Named Demetria after a shmpoo that her mother saw in a magazine
Her mother was only 19 she had her.
Mother died from cancer at the age of 54.
Has one brother Morgan.